Vaping is considered to be a relatively new trend even though it has been around for quite some years now. Of course, considering the time that cigarettes have been around, vaping has hardly come far enough. The trend, however, has enjoyed a high rate of success, even greater than that of cigarettes perhaps. What we still have to see is if vapes can retain this phenomenal rate of success for as long as cigarettes could. Although a hard target, it still seems achievable given the market share vapes have successfully taken from cigarettes.
Why the Shift?
The snatched share of cigarettes came as a surprise to cigarette manufacturers because never in the past had any method designed to restrict smoking had borne any fruit. So, when vapes did start to make a difference, cigarette manufacturers were shocked, but they had hope that the success of vapes would soon cease as was the case with any other. However, it did not stop.
The vape manufacturers had done a great job coming up with the idea of flavor choices. No cigarette could ever allow any flavor other than a tobacco-based one; vapes could. So, first time vaping was just a trial of what different vaping flavors felt like. Then, when the consumers began to like these flavors, they decided that vapes were better than cigarettes because of their excellent flavor choice.
However, the flavor was not the only choice that vapes granted. Vapes also allowed its consumers to vary their nicotine content as they saw fit. This was the feature that gave vapes the quality to replace cigarettes because vapers could now lower their nicotine content until they did not need it at all. As a result of this, many people began to see a way out of their smoking addiction and began to adopt vaping.
It is still unclear, however, that why would smokers want to get out of their smoking addiction in the first place. This was a result of growing awareness among smokers about the drastic effects of smoking. Not only did smoking affect people around the smokers, but was also seen as a cause of many life-threatening diseases, such as cancer. When these studies were brought to light, many smokers began to abhor smoking, but the addiction was too great just to let go once and for all. So, any method to achieve a smoking cessation was welcome.
When such an alternative did come up, smokers would rush to get it, only to be disappointed that it did not work. However, when vaping came along, smokers were more than willing to replace their smoking with vaping. Due to the close association of the both, it became easier for vapes to help smokers, while the significantly reduced side effects help people accept any minor shortcomings in vaping. It is better to choose dab pen for it.
Health Risks:
Ever since vaping came along, paranoia regarding the reduced health effects also sprung up. Many people came to believe that the reduced health effects claim was only a hoax and that it was meant only to steal market share from cigarettes with no real change guaranteed. First time vaping began to be discouraged in light of this belief and rumors began to spread that vaping was, as a matter of fact, more harmful than cigarettes themselves.
Indeed, when the first few occurrences of vape battery explosions came to light, this belief was strengthened. However, a thorough investigation into these events led to the findings that the explosions had little to do with vapes themselves, and more with the quality and condition of the batteries themselves. In fact, in many cases, the blame could not even be placed on the batteries, but on the carelessness of the vaper.
Other than the battery explosions, there was little to suggest that vapes were harmful than cigarettes. Several types of research were conducted, and the results indicated that not only did vapes reduce the effects of passive smoking, but also minimize any harmful effects that came from cigarettes. This was because vape e liquids did not contain any of the harmful compounds or carcinogenic products that cigarettes did. This is to say that the tar and metallic compounds that make cigarettes so harmful are absent in vapes. It is, in fact, these materials that cause cancer and several other life-threatening diseases and damage your lungs severely.
Final Words
Although it has been proven that vapes are indeed less harmful than their conventional counterparts, there is little evidence to suggest that vapes are entirely unharmful. This is because there is no data to test prolonged exposure of vapes on humans since vapes are a relatively new technology. Although some might still be inclined to believe that vapes are entirely unharmful, the truth is otherwise.
If you’ve only recently shifted to vaping and you’re suffering from dental and oral issues due to smoking, you should visit a dentist as soon as possible. You can check out this dentist in Greenbelt to get started.
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