Did you know that you can reduce your stress levels by half simply by spending some time in nature?
It doesn’t have to be a weeklong hiking trip or an adventure in a great forest. Spending time in your own private garden is more than enough.
This brings us to ensure that your garden is a place you’ll want to spend a good chunk of time in, so let’s talk garden themes. If you can’t identify a Japanese garden from a cottage one, no worries. You’ve come to the right place.
Keep on reading to learn all about the different garden themes that you can implement in your garden today.
The Queen of Garden Themes: Cottage Gardens
The moment you ask anyone to picture a garden in their heads, they’ll probably think about a garden that’s similar to the one depicted in the Secret Garden.
In short, something purely English in style intersected with what’s known as the “cottage” aesthetic. This is a style that’s will forever be in fashion, just for the romantic theme based garden aesthetics alone.
To create a cottage garden, you’ll want to think in terms of flowers, vegetables, and fruits. And, if you’re dealing with limited space, you can aim for a rectangular layout that’s surrounded by gentle greenery and plants.
Just make sure to stick to similar colors, as well as some hedging.
Small and Minimalistic Gardens
You might be a city dweller, a fan of the minimalist movement, or you’re limited by the amount of available space you have on hand.
Regardless of your reasons behind loving a minimalistic garden theme, it’s a great opportunity for you to break the rules and have some fun.
You can create a minimalist space that feels like an extension of your indoor area, or you might be more interested in turning your little garden into a little zen garden.
Moreover, if have kids that are starting their academic semester, then the minimlistic style can be incorporated as a part of the garden themes for school. Just make sure you keep your kids’ preferences in mind.
A Fantastical Element: Fairy Garden
You might have kids who are obsessed with little fairies and the stories of the fay, or you’re looking for a cute theme that’ll automatically draw a smile on your face.
This is where creating a fairy garden would be a delightful experience for the whole household.
If you’re unfamiliar with what a fairy garden entails, let’s take a quick look. Basically, this is a garden theme that emphasizes creating space and adding little touches that would give the illusion that small creatures might be living in your garden.
Think more of a secluded cove where you can easily feel like you either fell down the rabbit hole or that you found a hidden magical location. It includes a lot of whimsical and colorful elements.
Ready to Create the Garden of Your Dreams?
You might feel a bit overwhelmed when you’re planning a makeover session for your garden space, especially if you’ve been researching unique garden themes.
However, we hope that our little article showcasing the different garden themes got your creative juices flowing.
If you enjoyed our explainer, then you’ll want to check out additional tips and tricks in our home and garden section.
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