Doing window replacement all throughout your home is something that could potentially cost you a pretty penny. It’s not out of the ordinary for people to pay upwards of $500 or even $1,000 per window when installing new windows.
For this reason, there are some people who will put off installing new windows for extended periods of time. They’ll ignore the obvious signs that will show them that they need to take on window replacement ASAP.
You should avoid doing this at all costs. It could come back to bite you later on if you’re not careful.
Today, we’re going to take a closer look at several surefire signs that will suggest that you need new windows. Learn about six of these signs below.
1. You Have Very Old Windows in Your Home
When is the last time that window replacement was done in your home? If it was decades ago at this point, that’s going to be a pretty clear-cut sign that you need to get window replacement on your calendar in the near future.
There are some windows that are going to last you for a very long time. Vinyl and wood windows are both going to stick around for well over 25 years in most cases.
But even still, there is going to come a time when you’ll have no choice but to take on window replacement. You should keep an eye on the age of your windows and replace them accordingly.
2. Your Windows Are Having a Negative Impact on Your Home’s Curb Appeal
Does the exterior of your home look awful in large part because of your old windows? This is going to be another obvious sign that window replacement will need to be on the horizon for you.
As windows start to get up there in age, they’ll begin to drag a home’s curb appeal down. The only way to reverse this trend will be to replace your old windows with new ones.
There are also some other home renovations that you can do to improve your curb appeal. For example, you can replace your roof or put new siding on your home to make your curb appeal way better than it is now.
But generally speaking, doing window replacement is one of the most reliable ways to enhance your home’s curb appeal without taking on too many major home repairs.
3. Your Windows Are Driving Your Energy Bills Up
Regardless of how old the windows in your home might be, they can start to let air leak in and out of them at times. At the height of the summer and winter season, this is going to affect your energy bills since your HVAC system will need to work harder than ever before to heat and cool your home.
It’s a good idea for you to monitor your energy bills each month and make note of any dramatic changes. If you discover that you’re spending a small fortune on these bills, you might want to consider doing window replacement. You might also want to consider adding more home insulation to combat the issue.
4. Your HVAC System Is Accumulating a Lot of Wear and Tear Because of Your Windows
When your HVAC system has to run all the time to make up for all the air that’s leaking in and out of your old windows, it’s going to do more than just drive your energy bills up. It’s also going to result in a lot of wear and tear being put on your HVAC system.
Before long, you’re going to have to start to make repairs to your HVAC system. You’re also going to need to start thinking about possibly replacing a furnace and air conditioner altogether.
You can steer clear of having to repair or replace your HVAC system more than you should have to by replacing your old windows with new ones. They’ll breathe some life back into your HVAC system and allow you to keep it around for a longer stretch of time.
5. Your Home Is Always Uncomfortable as a Result of Your Windows
Is your home always too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter? This could be because you don’t have enough insulation installed in it. It could also be because your HVAC system isn’t big enough to heat and cool your home.
But oftentimes, the discomfort that you feel in your home could be due to your windows. They could be inviting hot and cold air to come into your home when you don’t want it there, which can lead to your home being too hot or cold throughout the year.
You can restore your home’s comfort by bringing in new windows to replace your old ones. You’ll notice an immediate difference in the temperature in your home when you do this.
6. Your Windows Are Forcing You to Take On Expensive Repairs All the Time
If you refuse to replace old windows, it’s only going to be a matter of time before they begin to break down on you. You’ll need to make repairs to them to keep them working the way they should.
It’s not the worst thing in the world if you need to repair a window every year or two. But if you’re having to fix windows almost every time you turn around, that will be a problem. You can get around doing this by visiting to arrange to have window replacement done.
Don’t Ignore These Signs That Show That You Need to Tackle Window Replacement
As you can see, it should be pretty easy to spot signs that show that you need to do window replacement. But it’s also easy to ignore them when you’re trying to put off doing it.
You should try not to ignore them at any point. Doing that will only make the problem worse and put you in a position where you have to install new windows with little warning.
Check out the other great articles on our blog for more useful home improvement tips and tricks.
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