So, you feel like you’re almost done with your big home remodeling project. You’ve redone the floors, the walls, the kitchen, the bathroom, every surface you can think of. Then you look up and your stomach drops. There, as if to mock you with its lumpy cottage cheese texture, still looms your ancient popcorn ceiling.
You can’t have guests or potential homebuyers looking up at something so dated and potentially dangerous. You have to invest in a ceiling remodel, fast. Here are some options for you to keep in mind.
Vaulted Ceilings Add Space
Do you like older architecture with rooms that look and sound bigger than they are? Vaulted ceilings are a wonderful way to create space, volume, and a sense of grandiosity in your home. If your home has a sloped roof of some kind, it can support a vaulted or even a cathedral ceiling.
Expose Those Beams
Among ceiling remodel options, the exposed beam fifth wall is one of the most industrial-looking. It showcases wood or metal beams that run across the ceiling, giving it a loft-like appearance. This works best in a high ceiling living room, as the beams can otherwise make a space appear cramped.
Drop Ceilings Divide Open Rooms
If you’re attached to an open concept living room, but still want to create the illusion of separation, a partial drop ceiling is a way to go. This can be used to hide any recessed lighting fixtures you have, and gives any space it’s in a modern aesthetic. It helps to divide and define a space without having to wall it off.
Serve Up a Tray Ceiling
If you want a tray ceiling remodel, there are two ways you can go about it. One is the old European way, where the ceiling is covered in square recessed trays. The other is the more modern single tray, which creates the illusion of loftier ceilings without the slope of a vault or cathedral style.
What Does a Ceiling Remodel Cost?
So, you know what ceiling remodel you want to go with for your home. Now, you need to know what you can expect to pay. The price will vary by material, ceiling type, and labor expense. However, on average, you can expect to pay anywhere from nine hundred to three thousand dollars to install your brand new ceiling.
One Word of Caution
While the ceiling remodel options we’ve discussed here should work in most homes, make sure you don’t overuse the same ceiling style for every single room. Old European tray ceilings can get overwhelming if used in every single room but make exceptional statement pieces. Also, you may not be able to retrofit your current ceiling into a vault or cathedral ceiling if it’s flat.
Looking for More Ceiling Remodel Ideas?
Now that you have some ideas for your big ceiling remodel, are you looking for further home renovation inspiration? If so, then check out our blog! We update each day with more handy home improvement guides like this.
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