White cabinets have always been a classic option for kitchens, but sometimes, making your kitchen entirely white is not an option. Indeed, full white kitchens may make the entire place look very spacious, but at the same time, it might make it look sterile. For it to have a nice and welcoming design, you need to add a pop of color here and there.
The beauty of white is that pretty much any color can go with it – so, even if you want your walls to be painted in hot pink or deep purple, the neutrality of white will balance the colors. That being said, there are certain colors that go particularly well with white cabinets and we will reveal them in the following paragraphs.
- Bright Red
While this might sound like a daring choice to you, it might be exactly the shade that you are looking for if you don’t want to mix too many colors. You may go for red walls, red backsplashes – or even a red kitchen island. If you add red areas in the kitchen, you will make your white kitchen cabinets sparkle with class. It will also reduce the monotony of the kitchen, making it feel warm and welcoming while maintaining that touch of elegance.
- Wood
If you want a shade that will go like a charm with white, then you can’t go wrong with wood. You may paint it so that the walls resemble wood, but ideally, you should try adding actual wood in the mix as well. For example, you may go for two-toned cabinet styles: half the cabinets in white, and the other half in wood. Top that with some nice wood floors and your color scheme should look nice and welcoming.
- Aqua Blue
If you want your kitchen to feel like it holds the ocean breeze, then you could add some aqua blue in the mix. By adding blue in the lower area of your kitchen and white in the upper one, it will give the entire space a look of serenity and tranquility. It will feel like you just entered the ocean, with the color blue acting as the ocean and white as the foam produced by it. It looks serene and tranquil – and the perfect choice for those who return home after a hard day.
- Light Yellow
Many designers like to mix white cabinets with yellow backsplashes or walls. As yellow reflects light, it will make the place seem much brighter. Mix it with some wooden floors or some brown tiles, and you will have a very cozy kitchen overall. Moreover, if you want to spice up the white cabinet look and give it more of a vintage vibe, you may use some blue sprinkles throughout the kitchen. If you don’t want to add any permanent blue appliances, then a blue painting might work just as well.
- Emerald Green
Emerald green also looks fabulous with kitchen cabinets, especially when you are searching for a bold color that will make the entire area look spectacular. Emerald green is precious, and while it may seem rather difficult to work with, it ends up looking flawless if you mix it with white cabinets. This is because the white cabinets will act as a base, and both colors will be easily complementing each other.
- Navy Blue
Do you want your kitchen to have more of a rugged appearance? In that case, you should certainly go for navy blue walls or accents to compliment your kitchen. When placed in opposition, these colors nicely complement one another and will make the area stand out in elegance. It’s the perfect choice for the kitchen of a modern bachelor.
- Cream
Sometimes, the safest color to use with your white cabinets is a cream background. This way, you will be able to add warmth to your kitchen while giving off the sensation of space. It is a great choice if you have a rather small kitchen.
Winding Up
In the end, white works nicely with almost everything. You just need to balance the colors and choose the one that meets your preferences the most. Keep the style of your kitchen in mind and determine which vibe you want to give off.
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