A living room truly is the essence of every household –it is the place where you and your family wind out after a long day, and this is where you also entertain your friends or other guests when you invite them over. Your living room multiples to do a lot more than it is intended to: it is where you host guests, watch a movie with your partner, spend a lazy weekend in, etc. This is why, it is important that you set up your living room in a way that makes it appear cozy, inviting and welcoming. Given below are a few tips that will help you do so:
1. Feature a lot of photos
Any room that contains photos is likely to feel personal and inviting. By having pictures of your loved ones and of special moments in your life on the walls in your room, you are likely to make it feel a lot more welcoming than not doing so. In addition to that, when someone new visits your home for the first time, this can be a very food conversation starter – you could introduce them to your graduation picture and share a funny story from that day, or they could ask you a question about any of your photos.
2. Add lights
Lighting is core to making any home feel welcoming, and you should add lights to your living room to make it appear bigger and cozier. You should try and look for alternative and decorative forms of lights such as modern chandeliers and pendant lights. To find the best industrial pendant lights for you, you should search for them after shortlisting your requirements which may include its shape, size and level of brightness.
3. Use candles or a diffuser
Every room in your home needs to smell unique and inviting, and your living room should be no different. You should use candles with a hot and a cold throw, and also add diffusers to your living room. Keep in mind that if you use multiple scents, they should all complement each other and be along the hints of vanilla or topical breeze. Depending upon the vibe of your living room, you can choose accordingly.
4. Use cushions
In order to make your living room look comfortable and inviting, you should try using cushions. Not only will they brighten up your home space, they would also make your living room look comfortable and individuals would like relaxing and unwinding in it. You can either use plain cushions in colors that complement the rest of your home, or decorative cushions that stand out.
5. Use different wallpaper
You should use different wallpapers to accentuate your living room and make it look welcoming. Get wallpaper in colors that complement the rest of your home and also resonate with your personality. If you are not a fan of plain wallpaper, you can look to create themes out of different but similar and complementing wallpapers in your living room. You should however ensure that you do not do anything over the top in the process of selecting a wallpaper.
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