Do you see a lot of free time at the moment? Are you searching for a new, worthwhile hobby? Do you seek a relaxing activity to distract you from the harsh realities of the world?
If you are nodding yes to any or all the three questions above, then perhaps it is time you give Vertical Garden a try. Generally speaking, gardening is a fulfilling and health-friendly activity. Vertical gardens are versatile and customizable in many different ways.
There are several advantages that you can gain by creating your vertical garden.
It is versatile
There are different methods or approaches to building a vertical garden. You can install a vertical container or use potted plants. If you want a more resourceful approach, you can recycle used plastic bottles and transform them into a makeshift container for your wall plants. You can choose from hanging baskets, shelves, canvas pockets or compartments, or pallet planters.
It saves space
In the world of vertical gardening, the lack of space is not an issue. You can live in an apartment with a small patio or have no backyard yet still create a breathtaking upright garden. You can even install a small garden inside your home to add more life to your personal space!
It is low-maintenance
Most types of plants used in vertical gardens can survive both cold and hot weather. Vines and succulents do not need regular supervision. If you live in an area with a dominantly hot climate, a vertical garden is ideal.
It gives you an array of options for plants
From vines, ferns, and shrubs to colourful succulents and ornamental plants, you will never run out of creative ideas. You can also opt for air plants. Air plants do not require soil because it grows on other plants.
It adapts to both homes and offices
Since this type of garden saves space and is known for its versatility, it is not surprising how big and small houses and offices would embrace it. Why not use this blog to convince your boss to add more plants to your workspace? A touch of greenery in your work environment will help relax your senses and improve your health!
It benefits your psychological well-being
Several studies in the past show the positive effects of gardening on your mental and emotional health. It instils a strong sense of nurturing, responsibility, and contentment. When you immerse yourself in caring for your plants, you redirect your attention to something more valuable. The more time you spend on your little paradise, the less you spend on negative thoughts and anxiety-inducing experiences.
It is a form of art
More often than not, people use art to unravel their thoughts or express their deepest emotions. Gardening is also a showcase of your aesthetic and emotional influences. Since it is also a part of your home, it represents a part of your identity.
It promotes sustainable living
Did you know that you can cultivate your food at home? Among the edible plants that you can grow in your vertically arranged greenhouse include kiwis, beans, grapes, strawberries, passion fruit, chayote, and jasmine.
Unlike the typical garden that you are familiar with, a Vertical Garden adds more character and depth to your space. It is practical, and it suits both high and low-maintenance lifestyles.
Author Name: Carmel Issac.
Author Bio: Carmel Issac is a blogger and writer. He loves to express his ideas and thoughts through his writings
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