For many people, the ultimate dream is to live in a house that is designed by yourself and caters to your needs perfectly. This is interesting as the trend continues to be for bigger houses and undertaking a custom build may be the only way to get the size house you want, whether big or small.
If you are considering designing your own house then the good news is that it is possible by yourself. However, it is worth getting the experts in custom-built homes to look at your initial plans before you start building. After all, unless you are an architect you may not have fully accounted for all the loads and the size of the material required. This is more complicated than it may seem.
The best idea is to liaise with the custom build company to ensure the design you want is possible. You may be surprised at how they can help your dreams become a reality.
If you are set on designing your own house then you should be aware of the following first.
Land can be expensive to purchase and you may not get a plot in an area you want to live in. That’s why, if you already own a property, you should consider staying where you are. The cost of knocking down your existing house is likely to be less than purchasing a new piece of land. However, you won’t be able to sell the house to help fund your project!
If your house is worth a lot and you have plenty of collateral, you may be better off selling it and purchasing a new plot. It is worth checking with the authorities to see if there are any available in your area.
List Priorities
Your next step is to make a list of everything you want in your house. We’re not talking about appliances. You need to decide how many bedrooms you need, what the right number of bathrooms is, how many other rooms you would like, and whether you want bay windows, lots of glass, or very little.
Deciding the style of your custom house can be difficult, you’ll find it easier if you look at houses in your area. Not only will this give you ideas regarding style, but it will also help to ensure your chosen design fits in with your neighbourhood. That will make it easier to get it through planning.
Create The Flow
Once you have worked out what features are essential and how many rooms you need you can work out the flow of your house. In other words, where each room should be positioned. This will allow you to draw a plan of your custom home. The more detail you include the better.
Get It Checked
You’ll need proper drawings to submit for planning permission and this is a good time to speak to an architect. They will ensure your plan is physically possible and may make a few surprising suggestions that you actually like. They will also make sure all the relevant information is in place to ensure the builders create your dream home, not their interpretation of it!
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