Spending a summer in the city of Granbury, Texas without having a properly functioning HVAC system in the building is not a pleasant experience. The heat from the summer sun can sap your energy and happiness especially if there is no cooling unit in place.
Therefore, we have written this article to discuss the common AC issues that might occur with your unit. And we also share practical steps that you can follow to avert repair issues.
Main Reasons for Air Conditioner Issues
The following are several reasons why your AC will develop issues that require repair…
1. Refrigerant is Low
The material that is used by your AC to reduce the humidity and heat from your building is known as the refrigerant. If your air conditioning unit has a leaky refrigerant line, your system will not be able to cool your building effectively. Visit this site to learn more about refrigerants.
To fix this problem goes beyond just refilling the refrigerant, it requires the services of an HVAC professional. This technician will then look for the leaks in the refrigerant line and seal the holes. Sometimes, this process is quite expensive and time-consuming; more so when the refrigerant line has several leaks.
2. Evaporator Coils are frozen
The AC’s evaporator coils contain the refrigerant. The job of the coils is to absorb air heat from the surrounding so that the AC can cool the room. Ironically, these coils require the circulation of warm air around for them to function optimally. If the airflow is affected in any manner which leads to the coil getting cold, then the outside could end up being frozen. In such a situation, your AC will only produce warm air instead of cool air or no air at all.
3. Condenser Coils are dirty
The condenser coils are an integral part of your AC outdoor unit. The function of these coils is to expel the heat that has been removed out of the building.
These coils function perfectly when they are neat. Hence, if they are dirty and covered with dust, they will not work. This is common in Granbury’s sandy environment.
When the coils are dirty, the transfer of heat is affected, thereby causing your system to work more than it ought to. This, in turn, leads to further wear and tear of the unit.
4. Fan Issues
A fan is designed to blow air over the evaporator coils inside the building. Another fan blows the outside condenser unit to get rid of air that is been absorbed out of the building. In case there is an issue of any sort with these fans, your air conditioning system will not function properly. If these issues are not repaired, you put your AC at great and irreparable risk which occurs when the compressor fails.
Some of the issues that might affect these fans are:
- Faulty motor
- Worn belts
- Little lubrication
- Excess debris and dirt
5. Thermostat Issus
Old dial-type is more likely to develop issues. The major issue with thermostats is wrong calibration which will cause your air conditioner not to get the correct instructions from the unit’s control.
This issue can be fixed by recalibrating or replacing the thermostats. Sometimes the new thermostats can be a bit difficult to program. Hence, we recommend you consult your owner’s manual for instructions.
6. Ducts are leaking
When a conditioning system is installed in your building, the ductwork is run through the ceilings and walls. These ducts transfer the cool air straight from the AC throughout the building.
However, if these ducts break or have holes (might be made by careless workers or rodents; especially rodents), the cool air gets stuck inside your ceilings and walls. As a result, your system works harder to cool the building which also increases your energy expenditure.
7. Drains are clogged
The moisture from your system is taken through the drain line, and then it goes to a pan before it is sent down the drain. In case thedrain line or the drain itself gets blocked, or maybe the drain pan is full, then the water inside the line can move up back the drain line and damage the AC.
Furthermore, this clog could cause damages to your walls, furnishings, and ceilings. And if it is not detected early, it will lead to mold growth. Visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAxJb0J1HH0 to learn how to unclog your AC’s drain line.
Easy Ways to Avoid AC Issues
The following are easy ways you can prevent the issues mentioned above from happening…
1. Replace air filters when dirty
When evaporator coils become frozen as a result of an issue with the airflow, the usual culprit is dirty and blocked air filters. Hence, the simple solution to prevent this issue is to always replace the filters when they become dirty.
2. Check the ducts and fix any holes
Once you discover that the air from your AC’s registers is not enough, call in an HVAC contractor to check the ducts.
3. Use programmable thermostats
Why settle for the old when you can have the new? Hence, always install the new programmable thermostats rather than the old dial-type. Also, ensure you know how to make use of this programming feature.
4. Clean debris from the condenser unit
The condenser, as well as the fan outside the building, must be cleaned from time to time.
5. Schedule and ensure regular maintenance
The more you carry out scheduled maintenance, the less likely it is for your unit to develop repair issues. Visit this website to learn more about how to schedule regular maintenance with an HVAC contractor.
Several reasons could warrant the need for repairs on your AC unit, and the 7 we just mentioned are the main ones. Therefore, before you end up experiencing these issues, use the 5 easy ways we havesuggested, and your system will work far beyond the expected life limit of the product.
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