Are you getting tired of cold weather? If so, don’t worry, Spring will be here before you know it!
That means the temperature outside will be warming up. With the summer heat lurking right around the corner, it’s time to make sure your A/C is ready to keep you cool. Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place for advice.
This article takes a look at helpful air conditioner tips that will get you ready for the summer time. Keep reading to get the inside scoop on how to prepare your air conditioner for warmer weather.
1. Change the Air Filter
Let’s start by discussing the air filter in your air conditioning unit. Believe it or not, replacing the air filter is one of the best things you can do to keep the unit running efficiently. It’s important to change your filter at least every six weeks.
Keep in mind that the air filter prevents dust, dirt, and other types of debris from getting into your A/C unit and then circulation the dirty air throughout your home.
New air filters are relatively inexpensive and can be purchased at any local hardware store. So go ahead and buy several at a time to keep on hand. This will make swapping them out easy and will only take a few minutes.
2. Check for Debris
Next, be sure to take the time to check your HVAC unit for any debris that might have collected on or around it. This includes dirt, tree branches, leaves, snow, or anything else that might prevent proper airflow.
It’s best to get into the habit of checking the outdoor unit every few days or at least once a week. After all, it doesn’t take much to create a small problem that could quickly escalate into a bigger problem when ignored.
You’d also be wise to install your HVAC in an area free of trees to help prevent the buildup of debris. Or consider removing any trees in the immediate area so that the unit can operate as intended.
3. Make Sure the Coils are Clean
You’ll also need to check to make sure that the coils are clean. Why? Because dirt is the natural enemy of the condenser coils.
When dirt accumulates on the exchanger coils, it acts as a form of unwanted insulation, causing your unit to work much harder to keep your home cool. The key to keeping the coil clean is to start with water and simply rinse it off. But if that doesn’t seem to do the job, go ahead and invest in some A/C coil cleaner.
This might not seem like a big deal, but keeping the A/C coil clean will help extend the life of the unit and reduce your monthly energy costs when it gets hot outside.
4. Check for Refrigerant Leaks
Another potential A/C problem is when refrigerant begins leaking. This type of leak is common with older units, especially when a unit hasn’t been properly serviced for a number of years.
Have you noticed that your A/C doesn’t seem to cool your home as efficiently as it once did? This could be a sure sign of a refrigerant leak. The key to dealing with a leak is to schedule an appointment with a heating/cooling specialist. They can usually diagnose the problem and get it fixed very quickly.
5. Check Your Thermostat
If you’re like most homeowners, you probably don’t spend much time thinking about your thermostat. This is the small device on the wall where you control the temperature. Ignoring your thermostat is actually a big mistake.
That’s because when a thermostat no longer functions properly, it will be unable to accurately control the temp inside your home.
When yours is ready to be replaced, the best move is to invest in a programmable digital thermostat that gives you full control over the temperature setting. In fact, you can program it for different temperature settings throughout the day while you’re away at work. This helps save money on your energy bill because the A/C will run less while making sure your home is comfortable when you return at the end of the day.
A quality programmable thermostat can be purchased at your local home improvement store and is relatively easy to install.
6. Set Your Thermostat at the Proper Temperature
Believe it or not, one of the best ways to save money on your monthly energy bill is to leave your thermostat set at the same temperature throughout the day rather than constantly making adjustments.
Typically, the ideal temperature setting is between 67 to 71 degrees, regardless of the season. This will help keep the interior of your home as comfortable as possible while keeping energy costs at a minimum.
7. Consider Investing In an Energy-Efficient Unit
Do you live in an older home? If so, it might be time to consider replacing your existing HVAC unit. This is especially true if you’ve been having to pay for repairs on a regular basis over the last few years. After all, the cost of repairs can add up very quickly.
Before it starts really heating up outside, invest in a new energy-efficient model. This will actually help to keep your home cooler at a lower cost.
Because even though you might be hesitant to spend the money, a new unit will actually end up paying for itself in the long run.
8. Open the Air Registers Throughout Your Home
It’s also a good idea to open the air registers located in every room of your home. This enables your HVAC unit to properly circulate cool air in the summer and warm air during the winter months.
9. Have Your A/C Serviced Annually
Every homeowner should get in the habit of having their A/C serviced each year before warm weather arrives. This will help ensure that your unit runs properly and prevent possible issues that might arise.
Be sure to check out this AC repair near Austin.
A Guide to Air Conditioner Tips Every Homeowner Needs to Know
Making sure your home remains comfortable throughout the year is important. Fortunately, these air conditioner tips will help keep you cool inside when it gets hot outside.
Keep scrolling to discover more great home improvement tips on this blog.
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