Are you downsizing? Are you trying to make your current small space seem larger? It’s time for a redecoration session.
It’s challenging to decorate small spaces if you haven’t done so in the past. You might feel as though you’re too limited. How can you fit your entire life into one small home?
We’re here to offer you some home decor advice. Keep reading to learn more.
1. Use Mirrors
Do you know that mirrors aren’t just great for checking out your hair and taking awesome selfies? It’s true. Mirrors can make a big difference if you’re trying to decorate a small space.
Even if you’re confined to a studio apartment, mirrors can make the room look larger. When you place them strategically, they’ll reflect light and trick the eye.
Place some large mirrors around your room and play with their placement until you have a more “spacious” environment. This is a hidden secret of small apartment decoration!
2. Maximize Your Storage
If you’re moving from a large home into a smaller one, storage is tricky. You’re going to need to either sell or your furniture, donate it, or place it in a storage facility like When you’re done planning your space, you may be able to move some large pieces back in.
Storage is everything in a small home or apartment. There are plenty of ways to implement hidden storage that won’t get in the way of the rest of your activities or take up too much visible space.
Try placing storage boxes and drawers under your bed, making dividers for your drawers and cabinets, and trying DIY storage ideas to create as much space as possible.
3. Create Sections
This might seem counterproductive, but in reality, making smaller spaces within your space can make your home feel larger.
Consider a studio apartment. If you look at it at face value, it feels like a big bedroom. How can you host friends or get your work done when you only have one room?
What would happen if you created separate “rooms” within the room? You now have an area for your desk, a small dining area, or even a sitting area for your friends.
Use a tall shelf (with open sides) to block off your bed. This allows you to have extra storage and some fun decorations. For the rest of your home, use curtains or even rugs to designate specific “rooms” within your small space.
This will take some creativity, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll be shocked at how large your home feels.
4. Multi-Use Spaces
Speaking of creating more spaces, you should also focus on multi-use spaces. Here’s one example.
Do you have a closet? Have you considered also using that closet as an office? If you follow tip number 2 and maximize your storage, you might be able to have a multi-purpose closet.
install a floating desk into the closet to create a quiet workspace. You can open and close the door as you please so it doesn’t take up any extra room.
What other areas can you use for multiple purposes?
It’s Fun to Decorate Small Spaces
It’s tricky at first, but when you learn how to decorate small spaces, you’ll realize how much space you really have! While you’ll never make your studio apartment feel like a mansion, you’ll still be able to live a comfortable and stylish life while you’re short on space.
For more helpful articles all about home decor and more, check out the rest of our site!
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